Injuries in the automotive industry are, unfortunately, common. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, auto mechanics are more likely than the average worker to be injured or killed on the job. While this statistic is frightening, injuries on the job are preventable.
Here at Model Coverall Service, we know that safety is the number one priority of any business. However, when you’re overseeing multiple people and projects on a daily basis, how do you prevent injuries from occurring?
Here are 3 easy ways you can help keep your auto workers safe on the job:
Educate Your Employees
One of the keys to injury prevention is education. However, it isn’t enough for your employees to just know the bare minimum. It’s important that they know what equipment and chemicals are potentially dangerous, and what they can do if they find themselves in an unsafe situation.
Frequently cited standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) include hazardous materials like flammable liquids, the importance of personal protective equipment, fire protection, and electrical safety.
Opening a positive discussion on safety and giving your employees the space to learn and ask questions can help decrease the chances of an accident happening in the workplace.
Keep Your First Aid Kit Stocked
You can’t avoid every single injury. If one of your employees gets hurt, you want to be prepared so you can act fast. Having quality first aid supplies fully stocked and ready to go can make a big difference when an injury occurs.
At Model Coverall Service, we offer first aid services so you don’t have to worry about constantly restocking your supply. We also offer CPR, Respiratory Protection, and other trainings that can come in handy in the event of an emergency.
Invest in the Right Uniforms
Auto workers are interacting with large, complicated machinery on a regular basis. The last thing anyone wants is for someone’s clothing to get caught in a dangerous tool or trips and falls to occur on the shop floor.
Make sure the uniforms your employees wear fit right to their bodies, and aren’t loose towards the hands or feet. Require that employees tie back their hair if it’s long, and remove all body jewelry before they come into work.
Working with a reputable uniform provider like Model Coverall Service can protect your employees from the hazards they face in the workplace.
Model Coverall Service Has Auto Workers Covered
Injuries in the automotive industry can be devastating. That’s why it’s important to educate your employees, keep your first aid kit fully stocked, and provide your workers with high-quality uniforms that will properly cover and protect them.
For top-notch uniform and first aid services, look no further than Model Coverall Service. We’ve been a family-owned company since our founding in 1923. It’s this dedication to our industry that allows us to provide great services to help give you and your workers peace of mind.
For more information on our uniform or first aid services, contact us today at 1(800) 968-6491.