
for Your

About Model Coverall Sevice, Inc.

We’re a local, third-generation, 102-year-old family-owned and -operated independent company. We are known as “The People Who Care.” Model’s mission is to build loyal relationships with customers, team members, and the community. Because we’re not a billion-dollar public company, our only job is to satisfy customers on Main St., not stockholders on Wall Street.

We are nationally recognized as an industry leader in service and technology.  And we’ve been honored as the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Family Business of the Year.

Model offers exceptional products and services that promote the image, cleanliness, productivity, and safety of the workplace. Our services include uniforms (shirts, pants, coats, casual wear, etc.), mats (entrance, anti-fatigue, logo), towels (cloth and paper), mops (dust and wet), restroom products (paper, soap, air fresheners), cleaning chemicals, and linens.  We even have a complete First Aid, Safety and Training division (MFAST).

We do what we do because our owners want Model to be the best, not the biggest. So, we focus on quality and service, honesty and integrity, in order to fulfill our mission and make building loyal relationships a reality with our thousands of customers.  As we celebrate 102 years, we humbly say thank you to our customers, team members, and the community for years of loyalty!

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Watch Model on TV Helping Local Charity

Testimonials From Clients Who Love Us

Machine Shop

“Brandon is doing a wonderful job here.  We now spend almost no time dealing with the uniform program.  I used to spend hours every week for our hundred guys in uniform.  We can completely trust Brandon. He has really taken a lot off my plate. We have cut our office personnel in half and I am doing…

Plastics Manufacturer

“They are very diligent…very knowledgeable…willing to bring samples of any type of uniform so an employee can see before ordering…The employees at Model are very friendly and very helpful, their billing is very easy to understand. I would recommend them to any company…”

Construction Company

“We have been using Model since 1996.  Jake has done a tremendous job…and the support in Model’s office is impeccable.  Any questions or concerns are addressed promptly and clearly by their representatives, allowing us to tend to our customers instead of uniform problems.  Any new orders placed are completed in great time.  There is no…

Public Utility

“It is not often in this day and age we find people who take (such) personal pride in servicing their customers and leaving them with a desire to want to do business with (them).  I would like to point out all the small considerations he has concerned himself with in respect to satisfying our needs…

Auto Repair Shop

“…we have had only one salesperson and one driver. That means a lot to us as it shows the stability we like to see in companies we choose to have a working relationship with…With our previous uniform supplier we had a difficult time getting the same uniforms back every week;  this has not been the…


“Our route rep and problem solver is Dan and he does a very good job keeping things under control here in every way…if there is a question on something, it is taken care of right away. I would not hesitate to recommend Model to others.”

Model Coverall Service is a Proud Sponsor of:

Boy Scouts of America (President Ford Council), West Michigan United Way, Gilda’s Club and many more local community organizations.

Berlin Raceway
West Michigan Whitecaps
Mud Run
Art Prize
Grand Valley State University
Davenport University

Model Coverall offers a complete range of uniforms in many styles, colors and a range of other features.